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The Vision

In the beginning there was the word, and the word shaped reality.
We believe that the stories we tell, especially about our most precious experiences, profoundly shape our reality. We seek to enable individuals to learn how their minds minds manifest themselves, through their word. This is why we are building an online research platform to connect people from all around the globe, who are interested in joining us on this journey.

Catalogue Your Experiences

You'll have conversations about your psychedelic experiences with a chatbot. Your conversations will remain accessible via your profile so you'll be able to pick up where you left off.

Your Data, Your Choice

Your experiences are precious, which is why you'll remain in charge when it comes to deciding how your data will be used. If you decide to share your data for research purposes, we'll make sure you're rewarded for doing so!

Don't Trust the Science; Verify it!

All research conducted on this platform will be reported in a way that is accessible and as transparent as possible.

Come on board!

Our mission is to advance our current understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality. This is why it is essential to involve people from a diverse range of backgrounds and skillsets from the very beginning of our journey.
Let us know how you’d like to contribute, and we’ll be in touch!

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